Chiropractic: What is it? Who benefits from it?
It is said that you cannot give 100% of yourself when you do not have 100% of yourself to give. This makes sense right? Well most of us are unaware that we are not functioning optimally which means we cannot give all of ourselves to our job, family, or our hobbies. The same can be said for our animals. When our bodies are not functioning optimally we do not have 100% to invest in all avenues of our lives. There are a lot of variables which affect how our bodies function from proper nutrition, exercise and positive thoughts. The most important variable is the nervous system. It is the nervous system which directs the millions of functions in the body so that it can work in harmony and thus optimally. So what happens when the nervous system has a 'traffic jam' or a 'road block', we call these road blocks subluxation, in its communication system? At first it may not seem like a big deal because there may not be any "symptoms". Eventually without the proper direction from the brain, not all the organs will function at their best, much less, function well in conjunction with the organs around them. Some examples of a nervous system communicating with a subluxation, or 'traffic jam', may include but are not limited to: slowed digestion, sugars, cholesterol may rise, blood pressure may rise, you may have weaker immune system, a feeling of mental cloudiness, or physical pain. If these body systems go too long without proper nervous system communication then these organs may have permanent changes occur which require medical attention from a medical doctor or nutritionist. These changes are the bodies way of adapting so that it can function as well as it possibly can with the instructions it has been given. Our bodies are amazing and try to overcome and deal with whatever we throw at it! It is constantly trying to make the best of what it has in order to protect and enhance you. What are you doing to return the favor? Stop in today to find out what you can do to make this job a little easier for your body and look out for your body as much as it is looking out for you!
Chiropractic is for your furry family too!
So It may be easy to see how chiropractic care is not only important for the whole family but also for you pet companions and athletes. The animal's nervous systems are just as important as their human counterparts. They may not be able to complain about a miscommunicating nervous system as we humans can but they need their spines checked too! This is especially important for those animals who are athletes which we call on to compete at various levels. For instance, if your dog is competing in agility and its imperative that he knows, not only where is feet are as he lands from jumps, but also the speed of his feet and limber body to manage weave poles as quickly as possibly. The same can be said for the equestrian who is doing western timed events or those who ask their horses to jump over obstacles with the added weight and balance of its rider. The horses need to not only manage its own body but also the weight of the rider as it collects in dressage or competes over jumps. This necessary to prevent injury to themselves and their rider. There is so much under the control and manipulation of the nervous system that it only makes sense to include chiropractic care with your already well thought out animal management plan.
How spinal imbalances (subluxations) can effect your ride:
Our nervous system controls and regulates everything in our bodies from digestion and immune function to perfoming in an athletic event. Thus it is pertinent that our nervous system can communicate to all parts of the body without interruption. A licensed Chiropractor will analyze the spine for subluxations and analyze joints for misalignments to insure proper nervous system communication for both you and your horse. By removing these subluxations, the body can be restored to its fullest potential in biomechanics of movement and internal function. When the body is functioning properly, the propensity for either horse or rider to injury themselves, as well as deal with stressors and immune challenges, decreases. This leads to happier and healthier horse and rider, which can help to promote a more unified team.
Simply Chiropractic can help connect you with your fullest potential.
Simply Chiropractic can help connect you with your fullest potential.